

5/12(木) Sustainability talk

5/12(木) Sustainability talk



“Sustainability talk” 

Date & Time: 2016.5.12 Thu. 7pm~9pm

@ flamme terrasse 淀屋橋ガスビル1Fフラムテラス

No charge to participate 参加無料


Presenter 話題提供Paul Anthony Judd (Sustainability Introducer)

Paul talked to us two years ago on “Sustainability”, especially in reference to his experiences in Australia, and his visits to Japan. He told us that his country is one of the countries with the highest energy use per population, and a large exporter of coal. Paul is one of the many people trying to create a movement to sustainable living in Australia. This time Paul will update what has been happening in Australia in regard to sustainable projects. 




Midosuji Talkin’About” is a gathering where people who have a similar interest about a particular theme get together and talk about it with others. We aim to make a positive atmosphere where people can come freely, exchange information, expand their network, and incubate new ideas and collaborations.



Place 会場】

flamme terrasse  フラムテラス 

412 Hiranomachi Chuo-ku Osaka Osaka Gas bldg, 1F Showroom

大阪市中央区平野町412 大阪ガスビル1F ショールーム


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