

5.30 Mon マチ会議 Talkin'About Your Favorite Town

5.30 Mon マチ会議 Talkin'About Your Favorite Town



「マチ会議」Talkin’About“My Favorite Town”
Date & Time: 2015.5.30 Mon. 7pm~9pm
参加無料 No charge to participate  

あなたのお気に入りの街はどこですか? なぜその街を訪れたく、住みたく、働きたくなるのでしょう? そんなテーマで、自由に話し合います。

Where is your favorite town? Why you are tempted to visit, live, work there? We’ll talk freely about such topics.


“Talkin’About” is a gathering where people who have a similar interest about a particular theme get together and talk about it with others. We aim to make a positive atmosphere where people can come freely, exchange information, expand their network, and incubate new ideas and collaborations.


Place(会 場)
大阪ガス㈱エネルギー・文化研究所 都市魅力研究室
Osaka Gas Co Ltd., City Attraction Research Station

3-1, Ohuka-cho Osaka, Grand Front Osaka North Tower-C 713
大阪市北区大深町3-1 グランフロント大阪北館 タワーC 713
Tel 06-6205-2366

*Enter Tower C from Grand Front North 1st floor and go up to 7th floor with A elevator.

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